For many years I’ve had a genuine interest in taking pictures that have marked the many memorable moments of a wonderful life with my sweet Patsy Rose, and our five amazing children. Then a few years ago after the passing of my beloved, I began to take up this hobby again to fill the tremendous void that I was feeling after her loss. Soon I began to see the images that I was creating in a different light.  In fact, I became singularly focused on light, and how it reflects on everything that I now experience in this physical world. It soon became my passion to connect these experiences with a soulful desire to touch life in the spiritual realm.

During this same time period I began seeing signs in nature, having synchronistic moments while practicing yoga, and mindfulness meditation. This led me to co-create with my friend, and yoga teacher, an outlet for my images called “The Bamboo Yogi”. This endeavor became a vehicle to give expression to my inner voice. While that journey is still in its early stages, it allows me to seek ways to fulfill my deepest desires to see through a lens that reflects the oneness of all beings in nature with the unseen energy of life in this magnificent, infinite universe that we call home.
